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Small Business Corner December 2024


In a rapidly evolving world, community becomes important. Each of us can make an impact and, in doing so, help ourselves. We will feature a small biz that we feel is worthy of your love, from all walks of life - beauty, food, different services!

Let's sustain small businesses by supporting one another!


Meet Betsy Koos!

Suffering from PTSD for decades, I tried every Spiritual tool I could get my "hands" on. They told me to "clear" and "cleanse" and I cleared and cleansed until I couldn't any longer. I still had the physical symptoms, I still couldn't sleep, I became a magnet for bad luck. And I was tired.

The Spiritual modalities were not working, so I went looking for answers and landed on a very different kind of therapy.

Enter Betsy. Her practice is different. It isn't like talk therapy where you revisit the past over and over again, reliving the trauma. She leads you through processes and it makes lasting change. I call it the Roto-Rooter of junk. Working with her the last couple of months, I already see real positive changes.

Betsy has very generously offered a FREE Info session to all my peeps. I will schedule a 1-1.5-hour Zoom session if there is enough interest in learning about her work. You will be able to ask questions and see her work in real time. Fill out the Interest Survey here.

Below is an explanation of what the process by Betsy.

Lasting Change

by Betsy Koos

You have a choice

Did you know it is possible for you to have the choice to change unwanted emotional responses and behaviors in order to live the life you desire and open to your fullest potential? I have devoted my life to learning and utilizing skills and tools to help people successfully access their own inner resources to resolve their problems and achieve their goals in significant and lasting ways.

Live the life you desire

If you’ve been stuck repeating unwanted behavioral and/or negative emotional patterns and have been working to improve your life without success, I’d like to help you find new and effective ways to experience positive changes you want. Step off the hamster wheel, get out of your rut and live the life you desire.

I have experience working as a psychotherapist for over 40 years with thousands of clients. Unwanted patterns and programs that are operating, contribute to our problem states and these responses are not something that we generate at a logical conscious level. These are unconsciously generated responses that have been there to try to serve a deeper purpose and positive intentions. The intention is often to try to help us survive trauma from early on in our lives. When we do things to try to stop these patterns and emotional responses, they tend to hold on tighter. It is so useful to find a way to work with these parts, to determine what they have been trying to do for us and find ways to get these needs met from within ourselves.  The Map for Change process that I have created, helps people resolve their inner conflicts, and reach their goals - change is possible with the Map for Change.

Betsy speaking about one of the processes she uses, Core Transformation.



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